Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Jersey Doesn't Stink

Some of you may know I'm from Jersey, I was pretty much raised there my entire life and know how much I love our beloved state.

I was driving 90 in a 65 (not really, I actually drive 74 in a 65, 9 miles above the speed limit...I avoid getting tickets that way because one time I went 10 miles above the speed limit and I got a ticket, but that's not the point of the story). I see this sign on exit 4 on 287 South that says "Jersey Doesn't Stink." So it got me thinking, is New Jersey that filthy that we need billboards and a dedicated website that contains blogs, forums, videos and testimonials to defend our garden state?

So Join the Fight! Oh it's ON! You know Jersey doesn't stink. We know Jersey doesn't stink. It's time the rest of the world found out that Jersey is the polar opposite of a bad stereotype. It's time to get involved! Learn to love Jersey

Thursday, September 2, 2010


So I just bought one of those cool Android Google smart phones. The phone is phenomenal, it does everything! From email to Youtube to even a virtual coin toss's got it all. BUT don’t you hate it when you’re texting someone with your cool touch screen phone and your fingers are too stupid or too fat and it completely says the wrong know what I'm talking about...Well I got the solution for you....Ladies and gentlemen I give you the Textees.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Most Ridiculous Product Ever

I don't know if this thing is real. But WOW. Infomercials just get better and better as you grow older. This might rank as one of the greatest 1.5 minutes of your life...embrace yourself...

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

So You Wanna Play Some Basketball?

Does anyone remember this old school video about basketball from Encarta back in the day?

"Fast paced and action packed, basketball is one of the most popular sports in the play....and to watch." I think this was the first video I saw on a computer. Random, I know.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Father of the Year

Check this out...Koral Wira, a 14 year old girl, went fishing with her pops, when a barracuda went for her dad's bait and ended up biting her instead. Poor girl needed 51 stiches, but checkout how her father was basking in the glory of catching a 42 inch fish while his little girl was in agony. Great job dad, I salute you as father of the year! Come on dude!

Monday, August 2, 2010

David After Inception (The Dentist Kid)

I could not stop laughing after seeing this picture. Enjoy!